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Construction Committee 01312008
Library Construction Committee
January 31, 2008

Present (related to the Library): John Christiansen, Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Drayton Fair, Brent Gates, Chris Ladds, Joel Lindsay, John Rodenhiser, Chris Rogers, Mickie Simpson, and Bill Strapko.

Absent: Roland Ochsenbein.

Beginning at 7:30 p.m., our committee met to hear Carl Orio and Martin Orio of Water Energy talk about geothermal heating systems.  The presentation is attached (hard copy only).  For this portion of the meeting, members of the town Energy Committee and Public Safety Building Committee joined our committee.

At approximately 9:20 p.m. the committee reassembled for its business meeting.

Present: John Christiansen, Kelly Collins, Pam Czekanski, Drayton Fair, Brent Gates, Joel Lindsay, John Rodenhiser, Mickie Simpson, and Bill Strapko.

Absent: Roland Ochsenbein, Chris Rogers

The committee voted to appoint Roland Ochsenbein and Pam Czekanski as co-chairs (Motion: Collins, Second: Mickie; unanimous in favor).

Drayton showed the latest drawings, noting that the architects are still not satisfied with the entry.  He sought direction from the committee regarding height of the entry (one story or two), and showed drawings of a canopy covering the walkway between the parking lot and door.  He emphasized the need to focus not on colors or materials but on general shapes of spaces.  He stressed that elevations are still a work in progress.

After viewing four different ideas for the entry, various committee members (and Ann Hurd, who was also present) commented that the entry still appears too “modern”, “urban”, and “institutional,” and not enough like the existing building. Comments included the following:
·       Mickie suggested better use of arches and peaks rather than squares.  Pam and Joel agreed.
·       Brent suggested not building this design at all, but moving elsewhere, to which John R. commented, “It’s too late.”  Ann stressed that we have given Drayton direction to rework the entry, but moving or not building is not an option.  
·       Brent showed copies from various architecture texts to illustrate his point that the entry should tie in with the building, not be a “boxy” structure between the buildings.  
·       Bill stated his preference for a one-story entrance. Consensus: the committee agrees.
·       Questioned about the appearance of the windows, Drayton noted that low-E windows rarely have small panes, faux mullions are “offensive,” and large panes are easier to clean.
·       The committee liked the idea of a canopy but didn’t care for a flat roof.

Drayton remarked that trim material may be dark bronze, not aluminum.  He showed some minor changes in the floor plan, and briefly commented on building materials vs. our budget.

Our next meeting will be Thursday, February 7 at 7:30 p.m. at Town Hall.  

Meeting adjourned at 10:21 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Collins
Director of the Library